La storia di un viaggio. Dapprima verso le vette dell’Himalaya, e poi verso il continente indiano. Recarsi in seguito nella terra del Sol Levante, ricercando le proprie radici, e fermandosi ad esplorare i luoghi che conservano l'antico insegnamento buddista. E poi tornare in India, e viverla, tentando di comprenderne l’essenza. Infine, ritrovarsi nuovamente a casa nel piccolo Tibet indiano, che con dedizione e compassione continua a insegnare la via verso la conoscenza della vera natura dell’essere umano.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Atmavikasa Back-Bending Fusion Intensive (12 November - 8 December 2017) : a brief report

Three weeks already have passed since I have joined this back bending program. 

A very challenging and intensive course indeed, either physically and mentally. Yet, very interesting and helpful. 

At first glance, it might seems a mere repetition of strenuous exercises, aimed to make the practitioner gain a better flexibility and confidence in back bending techniques and postures. 

But, in real, through this physical practice, the mind itself is the main object of our training. 

Therefore, I still believe that the point is not actually the final results, yet what we are learning through the journey itself. Pain, frustration, anger, and uncomfortable feelings are deliberated created and manifested. Through stillness and calmness, the real training is about to deal with them, or better, just look at them, without neither grasp at them or follow them. 

An intensive and deep practice as back bending will definitely help into this kind of mental training. 

Moreover, a plus of energy will be stimulated and awakened through spine-focused exercises. A good opportunity to better understand and channel our inner potential and  self-confidence. 

Four weeks (five days class for each week) will run quickly (I still can not believe only five days are left!!), but the informations and guidances gained will give enough support to guide at least one year daily practice. 

One of the best part, it is definitely the total freedom to adjust and personalized the practice to one own’s body and physical limitations. Going more forwards, trying to see a little beyond one’s own limitations, or just stay in one’s confort zone, till the right time will come and a better confidence is built. A conscious and careful practice will definitely empower each practitioner to understand a little bit more about its own mind and how to deal with it, without actually harming him or herself. 

That’s all for now. I have collected some random impressions and thoughts I had during these practicing days, hoping it might be useful and inspiring for future students and seekers. 

As always, a big thanks to Acharya Venkatesha and Acharya Hema for their selfness guidance. 


Back-Bending Fusion Intensive held by Atmavikasa center of yogic sciences, Mysore, India 

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